Circle J. Cowboy Church
The Dream Team is a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them. From creating a comfortable environment by serving on a Host Team, to leading the next generation to Jesus by serving on a Student Ministries Team, to crafting a dynamic experience with the Service Experience Team, to tearing down barriers across our city by leading a Small Group — we are a group that forcefully advances the Kingdom of God.
A-TEAM (Administrative) - Our team uses our gift of administration to support CJCC teams by using computer skills, data entry, and attention to details.
ARENA OUTREACH - Our team host outreach events with one purpose, to help people know God.
BAPTISM TEAM - Our team prepares for and hosts the CJCC's baptism experience.
CHURCH WAGON OUTREACH - We use a fire and food around a chuck wagon to go to events and help people come to know God.
FACILITIES SUPPORT TEAM - Our team works behind the scenes to maintain and support of our facilities so that when people come to Circle J, they see excellence for the Lord.
HOST TEAM - Our team brings a personal touch to our worship experiences and Next Step meetings by hosting in the lobby, at coffee stations and in the auditorium.
GREETERS - Our team welcomes people to Circle J at the front doors and hands out worship guides and gift bags at the entrance to the auditorium.
CJCC KIDS - Our team invests in the lives of children through worship, Biblical teaching, videos, Small Groups, and games. Requirements: Background check
CJCC STUDENTS - Our team helps students get connected to our CJCC Students ministry through LIFT Night, Small Groups, retreats, conferences, and Camps. Requirements: Background check
LEGACY TEAM - Our team uses our gift of giving to support major projects and facilitate the overall vision of the church through strategic financial offerings.
PARKING TEAM - Our team serves as the first impression for those coming to Circle J by welcoming people on and off the property and by providing a safe and efficient parking experience. Requirements: Age: 15+
PRAYER TEAM - Our team provides prayer covering for services, teams, individuals, and ministries at Circle J.
PRODUCTION - Our team assists in the production of the overall worship experience, using lights, cameras, editing message videos, media, and other visual elements.
SMALL GROUP LEADERS - We are trained to facilitate Small Groups and equipped to build relationships while helping group members discover their next steps.
USHERS - Our team of men connect with and assists people to their seats, facilitates the offering, and helps maintain a distraction-free service environment.